Nate Jones
Would be cool to have water/hydration added to the nutrition tracking feature :)
Mike Fiorillo
Also, as coaches do you want to be able to choose between defining portion vs. macro targets, or would you prefer to just set macros and let portions be calculated automatically based on that?
In either case you would be able to choose whether to display the targets as portions or macros to the client, so this is just a question of how you want to set the values as a coach.
Tor Burrows
Mike Fiorillo: I imagine for different clients that the portions would need to be calculated separately. As a large man would likely have fewer hand portions relative to a small woman for example.
Mike Fiorillo
We have been putting more thought into this nutrition tracking feature, and here's how we're thinking it will work. We'll start with portion tracking but likely enable macro tracking later, in a similar way.
- As a coach, you'll be able to set portion targets on a client's profile.
- You will be able to connect a "Number" check-in question to a predefined nutrition metric, e.g Portions of Protein/Fat/Veg/Carbs.
- Completed client portions will show up in the client's profile under a dedicated nutrition results page.
Note: We are considering allowing the portion tracking questions to be added to meal logs as well.
Feel free to let us know here if you have any comments or concerns with this approach.
(Attached designs are not final)
Mike Fiorillo
under review
Tor Burrows
Mike Fiorillo: Yessss this would be incredible! It could be really useful to have a counter as part of the food log. So that clients could tick up or down to keep track of portions.
Mike Fiorillo
Tor Burrows: Would it be enough to simply add a number question to the meal log so they can enter the amount of portions for each meal, and then we would add them up to display in the main nutrition table for that client? If you have a different idea on how it would work on meal logs let me know.
Mike Fiorillo
Tor Burrows: Did you mean something that looks something like this? vs. a number input with keyboard.
Tor Burrows
Mike Fiorillo: yes spot on. I can see that being useful for keeping track on the fly. Although it might limit the ability to add half measures?
Mike Fiorillo
Tor Burrows: We can increment by 0.5, that's not a problem. We will consider this approach though I could see it being a bit easier than typing it in every time.
Tor Burrows
Mike Fiorillo: I came across this way of tracking portions (Lifesum app), which I thought was pretty cool.
Mike Fiorillo
Tor Burrows: Interesting, but doesn't allow half portions? That seems to be a key requirement for coaches. I do like the use of icons though. We've already implemented a simple number counter (coming soon) but could explore something like this as a future design enhancement.